Thank you for helping us identify an item on VintageBall about which we need information!
1) Please start by telling us which section of VintageBall contains the object in question:
2) Next, pick the type of object about which you wish to provide information (e.g. Real Photo Postcard, Photograph, Caramel Card, Tobacco Card, Other) :
3) Now, tell us what we need to know about this item (e.g. Team or Players Depicted; Year of Issue; Manfacturer Name; Type of Photo Process, etc.) Please be as specific as possible:
4) Next, let us know if you wish to be credited on VintageBall for providing this information, or if your want to remain anonymous:
5) If you want to receive credit for your submission, please let us know the name you want included:
6) Also, if you want a response to your submission, please supply your email address. This is completely optional, and your email address will never be sold to any outside organziations for commercial purposes:
7) Lastly, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, please click on the submit button, to send us this important information:
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