One of the most famous photos ever taken of the legendary Ty Cobb, sliding into third base and NY Highlanders third baseman Jimmy Austin. This shot could only have been taken in 1909 or 1910, Austin's years with the NY team. Moreover, the uniforms are consistent with the Tigers' road uniforms and the Highlanders' home outfits of 1909.
c.1910s cabinet card, approx. 8 x 10, featuring a team shot, likely of a factory-sponsored or semi-pro team. Thirteen players with jerseys reading 'Nanzenhauser' are posed in front of well- built grandstands, together with two other individuals and an array of equipment.
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This amazing 10 X 12 cabinet photo was taken in March, 1911 during Spring Traning, in front of Honus Wagner's Hot Springs Arkansas house. It features over 50 baseball men in suits -- including such future Hall of Famers as Wagner, Cy Young, Joe Tinker and Clark Griffith... along with Black Sox ringleader Chic Gandil. Other stars (and executives) are surely present and we welcome any identification assistance from VintageBall visitors (simply click on this icon -- -- to fill in the blanks).
This photograph was taken by Arlington Studio Photographers on March 18, 1911 and no reason for the gathering is provided on Wagner Blair's letter. Again, to provide any relevant info, please click the icon above.
Click on the images above to enlarge.

This photo, above, may even pre-date 1910, as Honus Wagner was an early automobile enthusiast. This framed photograph originates from the Barry Halper Estate (the online auction portion of the famed sale) and is entitled "Happy Days: Honus N'Pals Go Fishin" on its mat. Click on the image to enlarge.
The photo is small (approximately 5 x 7) and only Wagner himself has been identified, seated behind the wheel in the car's front seat. To provide any additional info, please click here:
The images below illustrate Wagner's love of the automobile -- and the lucrative endorsement fees associated with pitching them. The picture, which is included in an advertising booklet, captures Wagner and fellow Pirate teammates Fred Clarke and Jack Miller in a Regal "30" automobile from the Regal Motor Car Co. of Detroit. The excerpted page from this same booklet clearly delineates Wagner as the "Regal representative in Pittsburg" (sic). Click to enlarge.
Interestingly, Clarke is also seen behind the wheel of a Studebaker in a Conlon photo featured elsewhere in this photo gallery. Also, Cubs shortstop, Joe Tinker, is seen on a postcard endorsing Case Motor Cars, which can be viewed in VintageBall's Player Postcard Gallery.

Another c.1910s photograph, this one unmounted, approx. 8 x 10. This image depicts the thirteen members of the Cambridge team -- likely a semi-pro or town team, although this may also be a minor league team from one of the lower-rung associations. In short: another period photograph in need of identification. This piece captures the team with its young mascot and a few fans scattered in the upper grandstand seats in the background, along with a glove in the foreground.
The year was 1912. A new ballpark opened in Boston and a young boy with a camera was there to record an historic Red Sox World Championship season.
The photos shown here have survived the rough handling of childhood to serve as a portal to Fenway in its inaugural year.
Captured forever on these photo album pages are the exuberant crowds, the iconic divided grandstands, and some of the players themselves warming-up for what was probably another win in that championship year.
The photos above, left, feature gametime action from the fan's perpective.
Above, right, is a terrific snapshot of the Red Sox bench, taken from inside the dugout, along with an unidentified uniformed fiigure, Jerry McCarthey, the batboy. In fact, this subject may have been the original owner of this album, as per a notation within.
Depicted in the photo at left are long-time Sox outfielder, Olaf Henricksen in the foreground, with Neal Ball, Clyde Engle and Marty Krug warming up in the background.
Click On The Images To Enlarge
An imperial cabinet card in terrific condition, with an elaborate mount and great crystal clear photo quality. This image depicts 13 members of the 1912 Trenton baseball team -- most likely a high schol team, due to the 'THS' on their jeeys. Also featured is their coach (or faculty advisor) and spme great period equipment. The year 1912 is stamped in the upper right corner of the mount. On player simply has the letter 'T' on his jersey.

Red Murray, who is seen here in a truly fantastic news service photo, played in the National League from 1905 to 1917. This 1912 International News Service photo originates from the Baseball Magazine photographic archive that was disposed of in a 1996 Christie's auction. As such, in addition to the news stamp on the reverse, this specimen also boasts the Christie's holograph sticker.
Murray, who played a great defensive rightfield (leading the National League in assists in both 1909 and 1910), batted a respectable.270 for the Cardinals, Giants and Cubs and even managed to lead the league in home runs in 1909 (with only seven).

This photo of Hall of Famer, Fred Clarke, behind the wheel parked in front of a Studebaker showroom, was taken by famed pohotographer, Charles Conlon. As such, this specimen features Conlon's distinctive 'C' on the reverse, along with a Baseball Magazine Co. stamp. The photo also has crop and editor's marks in pencil on the obverse.
Fred Clarke played for and later managed the Pittsburgh Pirates, batting over .300 in 11 seasons -- once hitting .406. In his 21-year playing career he batted .315 and stole 506 bases. In 19 years managing, he guided the PIrates to four pennatnts and 1,602 victories. He even was credited with shifting a young Honus Wagner from the outfield to shortstop!

This c.1910s image captures an exceptional defensive talent, Duffy Lewis, in whose name the Boston faithful dubbed the embankment in front of Fenway Park's left fiefld. The eight foot hill in front of the wall was called "Duffy's Cliff," with Lewis scaling it during his eight-year tenure with the Sox. No slouch with the lumber, Lewis batted .288 in his eight years with the Sox.
This blank-backed photo -- most likely a second generation print -- is said to hvae been the property of Duffy's teammate, the storied pitcher, Joe Wood. Interestingly, Duffy had the distinction of being replaced by Babe Ruth twice -- once in 1918 when Ruth took over as Boston's regular left fielder, and again in 1920 when Babe followed Duffy to the Yankees. Babe did not, however, follow Lewis to his final major league team, the Washingotn Senators.
While the 1912 Red Sox were tearing up the American League, down in the minor league Tr-State League, the Wilmington Chicks were busy posting their first winning record in Wilmington since the 1884 Quicksteps. Boasting a team with some past and future Major Leaguers, the Chicks finished in fifth place and would go on to take the league championship just one year later.
This huge imperial cabinet photograph (17.5" x 15.5") features a remarkable composite image of the entire team, once belonging to the team secretary, J.A. Ellison (who can be seen in the top row of the photo).
Most significantly, 1912 marked the year Jimmy Jackson -- the former Cleveland Indians standout -- took over the Chicks as player / manager. Jackson can be seen here in the center of this grand mounted photograph. By the time he came to Wilmington, Jackson had played in 350 games with Baltimore, the New York Giants and the Indians.
Jackson was joined by second baseman Harry Fritz who would go on to play with the 1913 Phildalephia A's and the 1914-15 Chicago Federals of the upstart Federal Leegue. Intriguingly, another Chicks player, labeled "Groh" in this photo, bears a resemblance to a young Heinie Groh. Heinie Groh was acquired by the NY Giants in 1911, but spent only 27 games with the Giants in 1912 as a utility infielder -- so the possibility remains that he could have played with the Chicks. Indeed, his young looks caused him to be mistaken by an umpire for a batboy when he joined the Giants. Heinie later went on to lead the 1919 Reds to victory over the Black Sox.
Jackson, Groh, Fritz and Secretary Ellison can each be viewed individually, below. Click on any of the photos to enlarge -- either above or below.

This photo frames Paddy Livingston in his years with the Philadelphia Athletics. He served as a catcher for the A's from 1909 to 1911, winning two championships with the team.
Livingtston had the distinction of being the last surviving player from the inaugural year of the American league, having played for Cleveland in 1901. He died in 1977.
This later-generation photo was signed by Paddy and inscribed as follows: "world's champs 1910 - 1911." This photo was affixed to card stock and autographed in 1975, two years before Livingston's death.
Many collectors are familiar with him from his early baseball cards -- particularly his tobacco cards.
This remarkable photograph from the Hans Lobert estate features some of the top stars of the early 1910s. It captures them during their incredible journey around the world, which began in October 1913 in America and ended thirty thousand miles and thirteen countries later back in the U.S. in early March. The second such major World Tour (an earlier one was led by A.G. Spaliding in 1899-90), this showcase of baseball talent featured members of Charles A. Comiskey's Chicago White Sox and John J. McGraw's New York Giants...whose numbers were supplemented with other players from other teams.
This postcard size image includes Tris Speaker, "Turkey" Mike Donlin, Germany Schaefer, "Hans" Lobert, Fred Merkle, and Steve Evans aboard the Prinz Heinrich, a ship traversing the Mediterranean Sea. The photo was taken between February 2nd and February 7th, as this Hamburg-American Line vessel made its way from Alexandria, Egypt to Naples, Italy. This was the fourth ship the players boarded during their amazing journey.
In this image, Germany Schaefer is seen "leading the song Schnitzlebank" -- as per a notation on the photo's back. Schaefer, a member of the White Sox, was a much accomplished player and also the tour's ringleading comedian, as he spent his off-seasons in vaudeville. Interestingly, the former Giant, Donlin, had an even more storied vaudeville career, having spent several years out of baseball as an entertainer with his wife, the actress Mabel Hite (who died in 1912). Donlin was signed for this tour from the Newark International League team where he was making a baseball comeback.
Joining the two in song were Red Sox centerfielder Speaker (fresh from his 1912 World series victory over McGraw's Giants), Cardinals outfielder Evans, the Phillies speedster Lobert (dubbed Hans due to his resemblance to Honus Wagner), and the much-maligned "Bonehead" Merkle of the Giants. Months earlier, Merkle's error in the tenth inning of the seventh game of the 1912 World Series helped seal the victory for Speaker's Red Sox.
This photograph belonged to Hans Lobert, whose handwriting is featured on the reverse. The reverse also makes note of the chart on the lifeboat in the image's background, although the reason for this is unclear.
Click on the images, above, to enlarge.
c.1915 news service photograph of star New York Giants pitcher, Jeff Tesreau, taken at the Giants' Spring Training camp in Marlin, Texas. Distributed by the International Film Service of New York, this specimen is a perfect example of the early editorial marks which often appear on news photos of this era, as it has been prepared for publication with white outlining highlights surrounding the figure of Tesreau.
Charles Monroe "Jeff" Tesreau had a short, but sparkling pitching career with the Giants, during which he won 115 games and lost 72, pitching in three World Series. He pitched a no-hitter in his rookie season of 1912 and went on to coach t Dartmouth college following his 1918 retirement from the big leagues. He even ran for sheriff in Hanover, New Hampshire, but was disqualified for using his nickname, Jeff, on the ballot.

Once belonging to a NY Yankees player, this postcard-sized photo features a handful of Yankee players and interim manager and star shortstop, Roger Peckinpaugh, in Spring Training in 1914. The players are identified on the reverse by the photo's previous owner -- who was one of the ballplayers featured in the image.
They are identified as follows on the photo's reverse: "Top Row: Barrett, [Roy] Caldwell, [Bill] Reynolds, [Harry] Williams, [Jay] Rogers, [King] Cole. Bottom Row: McBeth, [Fritz] Maisel, Yours Truly, Peckinpaugh."
Who "Yours Truly" is remains amystery and any ID assistance is welcomed!
Another owner has added, 'Galveston, TX,' which was the Yankees' Spring Training home that year.
Peckinpaugh likely is the biggest star in the picture -- spending nine years with the Yankees and five with the Senators developing into the best shortstop in the league.
The individual in the front row, seated all the way on the left is identified as McBeth -- a New York sportswriter who covered the team.
So the big question remains -- who is "Yours Truly" -- Did he make the team or was he simply a non-roster Yankee hopeful who never found his way back to the Big Apple.
onto any big league team?
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Included: Waite Hoyt pre-Yankees; Charlie Root pre-Cubs; George Kelly estate photo; Conlon; The 1918 World Series and more...